Regarding prescribed burns, the main priority of McCook Public Power District (MPPD) is safety for our crews, the burn team, and the general public. Understanding that each situation is unique, MPPD is willing to cooperate with prescribed burn groups by suggesting the following guidelines:
MPPD requests notification of a prescribed burn by the land owner or burn group during the planning stage of the burn. A representative from MPPD can usually meet with the landowner or burn coordinator within a week of initial notification to survey the burn unit and any involved powerlines.
Prior to the burn, MPPD requests grass around each pole be mowed or preburnt by the landowner at a minimum of a 60 inch radius. Wherever possible, trees should be cleared from under powerlines 20 feet on either side of centerline in accordance with MPPD’s right of way. Large slash piles should be piled at least 80 feet away from powerlines. Slash piles less than 5 feet in height can be piled at least 50 feet away.
MPPD requests notification the day of the burn prior to ignition. When possible, MPPD will de‐energize and ground the involved lines prior to burn ignition. If MPPD deems it necessary, a crew can be available to assist in helping prevent or minimize damage to powerlines in the burn unit.
MPPD requests a pole butt inspection be done by the burn crew as soon as safely possible following the burn to ensure that a crack or knot in a pole has not started to smolder at ground level. If needed in the days following the burn, MPPD will perform a general inspection of all overhead powerlines in the burn unit to ensure the integrity of the lines.
In no way do these guidelines release the burn group or landowner from liability for damaged infrastructure.